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When I was pregnant for the first time with my son who is now five, money was extremely tight.   All of the furniture in his nursery was hand me downs and I had purchased some bedding at JC Pennys on sale.  That was the extent of the decorating we could afford.  When I was pregnant this time I was so excited to be able to make the nursery a really cushy and sweet spot for my new little baby.  I decided I wanted to have it look like a little forest.  Here is a picture of the tree i created on the wall in his nursery.  I just bought to different tones of brown.  I painted the tree first in the light color and then shaded and added nooks with the darker brown.  I found some shelves that hung from the back to place on each limb and stacked up baby board books on them along with a hand me down raccoon from Ezra.  I simply used a staple gun to add the leaves on the wall.  I purchased the leaves in the floral section of our craft store in several different varieties and made a nice canopy for the tree.  Amongst the leaves I placed small colorful birds and butterflies with wire wrapped around the branches. 

This was a bit intimidating to begin but once started was such an easy project.  I bought simple brown curtains as to not compete with all the color and texture of the tree.  The bedding I bought was really simple as well.  It was made from organic cotton and was simple sage green, white and had dark brown silhouettes of dear, birds and grass.

Ezra added his own touch as well.  You can see in the picture that there is a small birdhouse hanging from the curtain rod.  The birdhouse was painted by Ezra just for his little brother. 

Ezra and I also had another project for the baby room. We bought cardboard letters at the craft store spelling LOVE. I painted them green on the faces.  We then coated each with a layer of MOD PODGE to make them sticky.  We had four different materials to decorate the letters with: small river rock, small sea shells, moss, and fake daisies.  All of the items were found easily in a craft store.   The daisies we simply glued from the back.  We did the same for the moss.  For the rocks and seashells we poured more MOD PODGE over the top to make a seal so none of them would fall off.  It dries clear and all the tiny items are kept safe under a thick layer of the glue. 

This project was very easy.  It only took about an hour to complete and about two hours to dry before I could hang them.  I hung them with command strips which worked marvelously.  The best part about these is that my five year old could easily participate in this project with me. 

The top of Lucas’s dresser was adorned with pictures from the ultrasounds and an empty frame with a picture of him added later.  Another handmade item was a tree branch with a small birds nest with a bird and two eggs in it.  Moss was glued along the branch as well.  Again, all these items were from the craft store. 

The changing table although a bit ignored and cluttered now was outfitted with baskets and wooden painted pails to hold all of the recieving blankets, baby hygeine items, and burp cloths.  No need to buy baskets and organizers from Pottery Barn, I found all of them at, yep you guessed it, the local craft store for much cheaper than the ones at the childrens stores. 

His crib is currently covered with a mesh crib tent to keep the cat out.  We are getting ready to remove the tent probably next month as the cat does not seem to show any interest and Lucas is big enough now to not get smothered by the cat.  I am currently working on a mobile for over his crib made out of handmade cloth birds, ribbon and cloth.  I will post a pic of that when it is finished. 

So that is it… my forest nursery.  I love it and I am sure once Lucas is old enough to appreciate it he will love it too.