

This blog I love, however, I have been consumed by another project.  I have started my own business.  A home based business.  It is something I have wanted to do for some time now, as in years.  I finally decided that it is now or never.  I am home with my boys and have a little (very little) extra time on my hands.  So I went ahead.   That being said I would like to keep up with posting on this blog for my mommy stuff.  🙂

What is it that I am doing you ask?  Well, I started a event planning business…mostly for childrens parties and maybe some baby showers will be included.  In the upcoming weeks I will post a link to my second blog.  And I vow to  myself that I will be more diligent about blogging every day on both of them.  It is good for me and fun. 

Oh ya, the name of my business: Giggle Tree Events.  Cute huh?